Snapshyft with Thor Wood
Thor Wood, owner of SnapShyft, saw an opportunity and went all in with his app SnapShyft. It could revolutionize the service industry by allowing bars & restaurant owners and managers to quickly find talented professionals who have been vetted. They can come in and help alleviate the pain of a short staffed facility if they can get the funding needed and the bars and restaurants buy into the vision.
Josh Springer has been seen and heard on:

Steve Hershberger: Analytics and the Drug Cartel
Steve Hershberger Episode Information Steve Hershberger, CEO and Founder of SteadyServ knows his numbers, and why not? Numbers make up everything in the Universe so

Matt Hunckler: Threads Startups Together Through Verge HQ
Matt Hunckler Episode Information Matt Hunckler is no stranger to being an entrepreneur. He started off his journey as a DJ and progressed towards digitizing

Lee Marcum: The Reluctant Owner of a Family Business – LP005
Lee Marcum: Episode Information What happens when you’re the third generation son of a family owned business that bears your grandfather’s, father’s and your name

Scott Wise: Teachable Moments Losing a Million Dollars
Scott Wise Episode Information Most of us have failed in our lives, but not many of us have had the chance to lose a million

Gerry Dick: Work Hard and be Nice
Gerry Dick Episode Information People often think you have to be a dick to get ahead in business. Gerry Dick suggests otherwise. Find out what

Warren Carroll: Pulling the Pin on Your Life
Warren Carroll: Episode Information Rarely is there a moment when one should pull the pin on their life; however, when the time arrives are you

Josh Springer: Steroids, Swat Teams, & the American Dream: The Story of Bottoms Up Beer
Josh Springer: Episode Information Sometimes inspiration hits at it’s most desperate point. This was the point when the insane idea hit Josh Springer to fill
Brad Shoemaker
Josh Springer
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